
K-12 Framework and NGSS Primer
Kansas has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards. The below materials are intended to support the implementation of the standards. |
KSDE Science Professional Development Calendar
Implementation Planning Documents
These resources were developed by the Kansas NGSS Review Committee as a starting point for teachers, schools, and districts to think carefully about the changes that need to happen in order to successfully implement the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for Science and are intentionally shared in an editable format so they can be adapted to fit local planning.
| 2023 Science Elementary Scope and Sequence Guidance | The intent of this document is to provide guidance considering themes and units that could scaffold in a meaningful way for both a balanced implementation and assessment system. Districts are encouraged to exercise their local control. |
| 2023 Science HS Scope and Sequence Guidance | The graduation requirements outlined by the Kansas Department of Education state that students should earn three credits in the areas of science that include concepts of Life Science, Physical Science and Earth/Space Science. This document is support only |
| 2023 Science MS Scope and Sequence | Science standards at the middle school level are grade banded and not grade specific.For this reason, districts are encouraged to exercise their local control the intent of this document is to provide guidance considering themes,units & best practice. |
| 2024 Safety Guidance | This document is intended to provide guidance on reccomended safety practices. |
| Science Constructive Coaching Tool | Constructive Coaching conversations should not be used for the evaluation of Kansas educators. Conversations between observers and classroom educators should focus on ways to deepen and elicit investigative, critiquing, and sense-making behaviors. |
| Science Instructional Materials and Curriculum Evaluation Tool | This tool is intended to support districts in making decisions adopting curricular materials and resources to support science teaching. |
Stephanie Alderman-Oler
STEM Program Manger K-12
785-296-8108 |
Senior Administrative Assistant
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