Professional Development Resources
"Plan Time PD" is an effort to provide educators with professional development in bite-size offerings that could be completed by a teacher on their plan period, a group of teachers during a department meeting or a group of educators during a devoted professional learning community (PLC) time. 
A series of Plan Time Modules have been developed to assist educators in understanding the Kansas State Science Standards and the three dimensions of science embedded in the standards.
Recorded Sessions
Clay Circuits and Lightbulb MomentsElementaryUsing common materials to help students understand properties of matter and circuits.
Fall into Phenomena with a great book!ElementaryDuring this session participants will use common children's literature as an anchor for investigations. This session is targeted K-3 and the live recording took place 10/21/21
Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy in Elementary ScienceElementaryDuring this session participants will examine how to use play and phenomena in a meaningful way.
 Plan Time PD Videos

Module 1-
3 Dimensions of the Kansas Science Standards
This module serves as an introduction to the Kansas State Science Standards.


Module 1- Handout      Presentation Slides

Link for video of 3D KS Sci Standards


Module 3- 
Secondary Science Navigating Change
This module serves as an introduction to the Kansas State Science Competencies.


 Presentation Slides



Module 2-
Elementary Science- Navigating Change
This module serves as an introduction to the Science Competencies from
the Navigating Change Document.

Module 2- Handout     Presentation Slides


Module 4- 
Social Emotional Learning in Science
This module examines ways to connect students' to science through
the incoporation of Social Emtional Learning.

 Presentation Slides


 Contact Information



Stephanie Alderman-Oler
STEM Program Manger K-12

Carrie Hurd
Publc Service Adminstrator


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