Parent Information on the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for Math (KCCRSM)

The way we taught students in the past simply does not prepare them for the higher demands of college and careers today and in the future. Our schools are working to improve teaching and learning to ensure that all children will graduate high school with the skills they need to be successful.

In mathematics, this means three major changes:

  1. Teachers will concentrate on teaching a more focused set of major math concepts and skills.
  2. This will allow students time to master key mathematics concepts and skills in a more organized  way throughout the year and from one grade to the next.
  3. It will also call for teachers to use rich and challenging mathematics content and to engage students in solving real-world problems in order to inspire greater interest in mathematics.
The parent guides found below were created for Kansas parents by Kansas educators to help provide a clearer understanding of what your child will learn in a specific grade. Furthermore, these documents provide a few activities parents can do at home with their child to further support their learning of mathematics.

KSDE Standards Guide & Activities for Parents
Parent guides aligned to the 2017 Math Standards. Spanish versions of these guides are being developed by Maria Ortiz Smith. Maria served on the 2017 Mathematics Standards Committee, is a KSDE trainer, and currently works with Southwest Plains Service Center. Once the Spanish versions have been completed a link to the documents will be posted on this page.
Math Kindergarten Parent GuideUpdated 3/13/18Parent guide for Kindergarten that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 1st Grade Parent GuideUpdated 9/4/18 typo on page 2Parent guide for 1st Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 2nd Grade Parent GuideUpdated 3/13/18Parent guide for 2nd Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 3rd Grade Parent GuideUpdated 3/13/18Parent guide for 3rd Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 4th Grade Parent GuideUpdated 3-4-19 Typo on back page.Parent guide for 4th Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 5th Grade Parent GuideUpdated 3/13/18Parent guide for 5th Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 6th Grade Parent GuideReleased 8-18-18Parent guide for 6th Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards.
Math 7th Grade Parent GuideUpdated 4/10/18Parent guide for 7th Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards
Math 8th Grade Parent GuideUpdated 4/10/18Parent guide for 8th Grade that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards
Math 9th10th Grade Algebra Parent Guide Updated 8-10-17 typo on pg. 2Parent guide for 9/10 Algebra that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards
K-5 Parent Guides - SPANISH VERSIONS Released 9-16-18Available through Southwest Plains Regional Service Center.
Math 9th10th GradeGeomtry Parent GuideUpdated 7-25-19 Link fixedParent guide for 9/10 Geometry that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards
Math 11th Grade Algebra II Parent Guide Updated 9/4/18 typo on page 2Parent guide for 11th grade Algebra II that is aligned to the 2017 Math Standards
General Parent Information on Mathematics
Q & A With Laura Overdeck of Bedtime Math: Helping Families and Children Cuddle Up to MathIn this Q & A, Laura Overdeck explains how Bedtime Math is giving families and children comfort in talking about numbers in their daily lives, and helping families and afterschool programs get children excited about math in the world around them.
Reading Interactive Math Storybooks Researchers from Teachers College, Columbia University, examine how a relatively new type of book-interactive math storybooks-can help parents appreciate and foster their child's mathematical thinking.
Math Is Everywhere, When We Know What to Look For In this commentary, Taniesha Woods explores what young children need to know about math, what environments rich in mathematics learning look like, and how families can support children's math development.
HCPSS Family Mathematics Support CenterTons of great videos for parents!
Great Minds: Support for ParentsParents are their child’s chief advocate and most essential teacher – at homework time and always. To assist in this crucial role, we have assembled a suite of resources that will help you to help your child become proficient in math.
Videos: High School MilestonesThis free online collection shows teens demonstrating 13 important communications, academic, and life skills that all high-schoolers need to master, with practical tips that parents can use to help at home.
Supporting The Standards for Mathematical Practice 
Here is Why Math is Taught Differently Raj Shah, founder of Math Plus Academy, explains the purpose behind the shift to new problem-solving methods in this helpful video. “Teaching people just to memorize algorithms and execute procedures hasn’t worked,”
Ready Washington Parent ResourcesReady Washington, a coalition that supports college- and career-ready learning standards, has released an infographic and video that charts a student’s path from middle school to high school, and test guide meant to provide parents with information on how
Elementary Math GamesGreat math games for parents to play with their child K-5. By Jo Boalers
Homework Help DeskThe goal of the Homework Helpdesk is to equip parents with the knowledge and support they need to help their children with homework assignments.
Math Dictionary for Kids 
We Use Math"When will I use this?" this website helps to answer this question The website describes the importance of mathematics and many rewarding career opportunities available to students who student mathematics.
Be a Learning HeroThis site provides straightforward answers to frequent questions about Common Core.
Milestone Videosfrom are short videos for parents that show what children in grades K-5 should be able to do in each grade.
Parent FAQ page: Top 8 Questions Parents Ask Teacherscreated by teachers, for teachers that includes key information about the background of the Standards, what the changes mean for students and resources where parents can learn more
PTA Parents' Guide to Student Success 
EngageNY Videos for Parents


Pictorial Representation of an Array


Arrays with Number DIsks

Arrays with Fractions

Array Model Progressions

Concrete Representation of the Array Model

Intro to Place Value with Number DIsks

General Story of Units with Number Disks

Subtraction Problems Using Number Disks

Decimal Subtraction Problems Using Number Disks

Multiplication Algorithms Using Number Disks

Division Algorithms Using Number Disks

Vertical Number Line Rounding


Progression of Fractions Through Number Lines

Progression of Multiplication and Division Tape Diagrams

Tape Diagrams/Word Problems

Tape Diagrams (Grade 5)

Number Bonds

Progression of Number Bonds Grades 3-5

Number Bond Decomposition Grades 3-5

Number Bond Decomposition: Fractions

Number Bond Decomposition: Multiplication

Number Bond Decomposition with Mixed Units

Number Bond Decomposition with Multiplication and Division Algorithms 3-5

Choral Response

Happy Counting

Motion Fluency
Contact Information



Jennifer Hamlet
STEM Program Manager (Math)
(785) 296-6823


Jennifer Hamlet
Assistant Director CSAS
(785) 296-6823




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