2018 Kansas Mathematics Flip Books
The development of the “flip books” is in response to the adoption of the Kansas Mathematics Standards in 2017. Teachers need a reliable starting place that contains information and examples related to the Kansas standards. This project attempts to pull together, in one document some of the most valuable resources that help develop the intent, understanding and implementation of the Kansas Mathematics Standards. These documents provide a starting point for teachers and administrators to begin discussions and exploration into the standards and is by no means meant to be the only resource to support implementation of the 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards.
The “flip books” are based on a model that Kansas had for earlier standards; however, this edition is targeted specifically to the Kansas Mathematics Standards that were adopted in the summer of 2017. These flip books incorporate the resources from other state departments of education, the mathematics learning progressions, and other reliable sources including The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Supervisors of Mathematics. In addition, mathematics educators across the country have suggested changes/additions that could or should be made to further enhance its effectiveness. The document will continue to undergo changes periodically. When significant changes/additions are implemented the necessary modifications will be posted and dated.


Illustrative Math Links


4th GradeUpdated 5-29 Typo on page 57
8th GradeUpdated 4-24 typo on pg 32
1st GradeUpdated 4-17-19 Typo on 1.NBT.4
High School - GeometryUpdated 4-4-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
High School - Algebra II Updated 4-2-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
High School - Algebra IUpdated 4-2-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
7th GradeUpdated 4-2-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
6th GradeUpdated 3-13-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
5th GradeUpdated 3-13-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
3rd GradeUpdated 3-13-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
2nd GradeUpdated 3-13-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
KindergartenUpdated 3-13-19 Illustrative Math Links Fixed
Contact Information



Jennifer Hamlet
STEM Program Manager (Math)
(785) 296-6823


Jennifer Hamlet
Assistant Director CSAS
(785) 296-6823




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