High School Appendix A
The 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards are organized by grade level in Grades K–8. At the high school level, the standards are organized by conceptual category (number and quantity, algebra, functions, geometry, modeling and probability and statistics), showing the body of knowledge students should learn in each category to be a successful high school graduate in Kansas, and to be prepared to study more advanced mathematics. As schools consider how to implement the high school standards, an important consideration is how the standards might be organized into courses that provide a strong foundation for post-secondary success. To address this need, the Kansas Department of Education in partnership with members of the 2017 Mathematics Standards Committee have developed a Traditional Course Pathway in Mathematics based on the 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards.
In considering this document, there are four things important to note:
  1. The courses are models, not mandates. They illustrate possible approaches to organizing the content of the 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards into coherent and rigorous courses that lead to post-secondary success. Districts and schools are not expected to adopt these courses as is; rather, they are encouraged to use this document as a starting point for developing their own.
  2. All standards are found in the traditional pathway. The (+) standards are included to increase coherence but are not expected to be addressed on high stakes assessments. They should be limited to honors versions of the class or as extensions for those students who are ready for the content.
  3. The course descriptions delineate the mathematics standards to be covered in a course; they are not prescriptions for curriculum or pedagogy. 
  4. While courses are given names for organizational purposes, districts and schools are encouraged to carefully consider the content in each course and use names that they feel are most appropriate. 


High School Appendix AUpdated 6-16-19 typo on page 6Document used to provide guidance around designing High School traditional mathematical courses based on the 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards.
Contact Information



Jennifer Hamlet
STEM Program Manager (Math)
(785) 296-6823


Jennifer Hamlet
Assistant Director CSAS
(785) 296-6823




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