Grade Level FOCUS Documents & Worksheets
Not all standards should have equal priority. At every level in mathematics there are intricate, challenging, and necessary concepts that serve as prerequisites for the next level’s intricate, challenging, and necessary concepts. In order to help every student achieve success after high school both in the workforce and college we need to give them enough time to succeed in these major areas. The 2017 Kansas Math Standards were built out of the mathematics learning progressions, so priorities were chosen with an eye to the arc of big ideas in the Standards. A plan of instructional focus that respects the learning progressions in the Standards will strike a balance between the path to gaining math understanding and the endpoint of having acquired it.
By using the Grade Level Focus (GLF) documents to inform your instructional practice there could be an approximate 70-20-10 breakdown of time across the three levels, Major, Additional, and Supporting. These numbers are not hard numbers and will fluctuate given the material contained in the various clusters at each grade level. There are times that the content within the Major clusters for a grade level call for more than 70% of the instructional time. Likewise, there are times where there is very little material in the Supporting clusters thus calling for less than 20% of the instructional time. With this in mind, use the 70-20-10 breakdown as estimates in your planning time.
It is important to note that while the three levels are mutually exclusive in the sense that each cluster belongs to one and only one level, in classroom implementation, the levels can work together to support the priorities of the grade. For example, teachers can view the Additional and Supporting levels in relation to the Major level by pulling the lower-priority material into a lesson that is centrally about more important ideas or topics; e.g., pictographs in Grade 3 could be positioned in direct support of multiplication and two-step word problems. 
The GLF Worksheet documents have been designed to assist districts in planning their instructional time around the three areas of focus. Feel free to edit these documents to meet the needs of your school/district. 

KSDE Grade Level Focus Documents & Worksheets

KSDE Grade Level Focus Documents
You can sort the following documents by clicking on the title of the column by which you would like to sort.
KS Grade Level Focus for KindergartenUpdated 7/9 typo correctedGuidance document on instructional focus for Kindergarten.
KS Grade Level Focus for 3rd GradeUpdated 3/14/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 3.
KS Grade Level Focus for 2nd GradeUpdated 3/14/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 2.
KS Grade Level Focus for 7th GradeUpdated 2/13/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 7.
Grades 9-11 Combined Major Areas of FocusUpdated 2/8/18Document which highlights all the major areas of focus and required fluencies for grades 9-11.
Grades 6-8 Combined Major Areas of FocusUpdated 2/8/18Document which highlights all the major areas of focus and required fluencies for grades 6-8.
Grades K-5 Combined Major Areas of FocusUpdated 2/8/18Document which highlights all the major areas of focus and required fluencies for grades K-5.
KS Grade Level Focus for 11th GradeUpdated 2/6/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 11.
KS Grade Level Focus for 9th & 10th GradesUpdated 2/6/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 9 and 10.
KS Grade Level Focus for 8th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 8.
KS Grade Level Focus for 6th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 6.
KS Grade Level Focus for 5th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 5.
KS Grade Level Focus for 4th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 4.
KS Grade Level Focus for 1st GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 1.
KSDE Grade Level Focus Worksheets
Kindergarten GLF WorksheetUpdated 7/9/18 typo correctedTemplate used to outline instructional time for focus level in Kindergarten.
Grade 1 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 1.
Grade 2 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 2.
Grade 3 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 3.
Grade 4 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 4.
Grade 5 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 5.
Grade 6 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 6.
Grade 7 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 7.
Grade 8 GLF WorksheetUpdated 3/25/19 Corrected one of the Geometry Sec.Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 8.
Grade 9 and 10 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/8/17Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 9 and 10.
Grade 11 GLF WorksheetUpdated 2/7/18Template used to outline instructional time for focus level in Grade 11.
Contact Information



Jennifer Hamlet
STEM Program Manager (Math)
(785) 296-6823


Jennifer Hamlet
Assistant Director CSAS
(785) 296-6823




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