2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards Documents
Below you will find the 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards that were adopted by the State Board of Education in August 2017.
2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards Adopted in August 2017. Word 2016 version all features work.
2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards PDF PDF version of 2017 Standards
2017 vs 2010 Math Standards Comparison Document This provides detail about how the standards from 2017 align with the previous standards, adopted in 2010. The 2017 standards appear on the left of the page, the 2010 standards appear on the right of the page, and a summary of any changes appears between
Competencies to Standards 3 - 5 Grade Band 3 to 5 Competencies to Standards Chart
Competencies to Standards HS  HS Competencies to Standards Chart
Competencies to Standards MS  These grade banded documents will help you align the Navigating Change competencies to the 2017 Standards.
Competencies to Standards PreK - 2 Chart showing competencies to standards for PreK to grade 2
Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices NCTM 8 Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices. Included in the 2017 Kansas Math Standards.
KSDE Math Standards Toolkit  
Standards for Mathematical Practice with Guiding Questions Summary of Standards for Mathematical Practice with Questions to Develop Mathematical Thinking.

KSDE Grade Level Focus Documents & Worksheets

KS Grade Level Focus for KindergartenUpdated 7/9 typo correctedGuidance document on instructional focus for Kindergarten.
KS Grade Level Focus for 3rd GradeUpdated 3/14/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 3.
KS Grade Level Focus for 2nd GradeUpdated 3/14/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 2.
KS Grade Level Focus for 7th GradeUpdated 2/13/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 7.
Grades 9-11 Combined Major Areas of FocusUpdated 2/8/18Document which highlights all the major areas of focus and required fluencies for grades 9-11.
Grades 6-8 Combined Major Areas of FocusUpdated 2/8/18Document which highlights all the major areas of focus and required fluencies for grades 6-8.
Grades K-5 Combined Major Areas of FocusUpdated 2/8/18Document which highlights all the major areas of focus and required fluencies for grades K-5.
KS Grade Level Focus for 11th GradeUpdated 2/6/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 11.
KS Grade Level Focus for 9th & 10th GradesUpdated 2/6/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 9 and 10.
KS Grade Level Focus for 8th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 8.
KS Grade Level Focus for 6th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 6.
KS Grade Level Focus for 5th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 5.
KS Grade Level Focus for 4th GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 4.
KS Grade Level Focus for 1st GradeUpdated 1/26/18Guidance document on instructional focus for Grade 1.
Progression Documents for Math Standards
The Common Core State Standards in mathematics were built on progressions: narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. The progressions can explain why standards are sequenced the way they are, point out cognitive difficulties and pedagogical solutions, and give more detail on particularly knotty areas of the mathematics. They would be useful in teacher preparation and professional development, organizing curriculum, and writing textbooks. Progressions documents also provide a transmission mechanism between mathematics education research and standards.
Contact Information



Jennifer Hamlet
STEM Program Manager (Math)
(785) 296-6823


Jennifer Hamlet
Assistant Director CSAS
(785) 296-6823




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